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Acting is a Lifestyle Not a Hobby

Passion + ART

bringing forth a new form of art and media to the entertainment industry using the stage as our platform

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upcoming ShowS

Dear Darryl

(A Letter to My Father)

Dear Darryl is a raw, emotionally charged stage play that delves deep into the psyche of a man grappling with the weight of years of unresolved pain following the loss of his father. The play explores the complex journey of confronting this grief, while also examining the broader theme of healing and how one can reconcile with the past to ultimately find wholeness in their roles as a father, son, and husband.

Written & Directed by: J.D. Weeks

March 14th, 2025 at 8pm

March 15th, 2025 at 8pm

Marchth 16th, 2025 at 3pm

Conyers Rockdale Council for The Arts

910 Center ST NE Conyers, GA 30012



JWE-Book Your Class

Acting classes for groups as well as private one-one-one lessons to teach the fundamental skills and tools of stage performance. Learn how to develop confidence for your audition, performance, speech, and more.

We develop actors in the following areas

Emotion | Improvisation | Movement | Speech | Vocal Training |Voice

Group Setting Class $53.50 |Private Lessons $78.50

Kid’s Class $38.50 | Special Multi-Class Rate


the artist prepares


Hosts: J-Erv & J.Weeks

The Artists Prepares is a platform designed to give Arist the opportunity to speak from the heart about what art means to them & the importance of it. Join me J The Actor, as I interview some of my friends & colleagues within the entertainment industry. This is Green Room conversations with Dope Artists doing Dope Things.